June 22, 2011

June 22 2011 6:26

Well Hello there!
Another day of training down for the count! Today we went to Chosica for Spanish class from 8-noon and then ate at a chicken place called Norky’s for lunch. Chosica is the center for everything needed that’s closest to where we live. It costs anywhere from 70 centimos to one sol (about 30-40 cents US) to get there from our place. After running around on our first mission we returned to a swarm of young (around age 10) school kids swarming us excitedly spouting off questions about the US and what it’s like there. They were at recess at the time. It was probably the highlight of my day, although grilled chicken and fries at lunch was pretty rockin’ too. J The rest of training at the center went pretty well. We are getting to the point where we are all in about 4 different groups all with different people doing different things so it’s starting to get intense and organization is key. I’m happy to report that I’m feeling %100 percent now. As far as what was going on with me before I won’t go in depth in the blog. Let’s just say I’m solid now.
Our main focus outside of training right now is forming youth groups in the communities we are in and having a few meetings with them. The hardest part of course will be forming them. I’m learning a lot about the programming of youth development and working with youth. The Spanish portion of training is the easy part. I give huge props to the aspiring volunteers that are coming into this with lower Spanish levels, not that I’m a Spanish Guru, but it helps having the previous experience and whatnot.
This post update isn’t the most exciting one and I actually wanted to write it mainly to update you guys on one cool thing:
Yesterday in my APCD (Associate Peace Corps Director) chat we were talking about possible placement for site (where I will be for 2 years) and what I can’t live without and whatnot. I said I don’t have a strong preference of coast or sierra and said I wouldn’t mind going to the sierra since I am a Minnesota boy and could definitely handle the cold. As far as things I couldn’t live without…I told her the one thing would be music. I told her I’ll do my duties in a latrine or a hole in the ground as long as I can still have music in my life. She told me there is a community on the coast that is very musical and wants a musical volunteer to join them. She said she’d keep me in mind for it. I’m not getting too excited (obviously excited enough to write it on here) but it would be super cool to be put in a community such as this one. We shall see. We still got about 8.5 weeks of training to go so I’m taking it step by step…day by day.
Oh, the other update would be that I learned where the post office place is today so I should be sending some letters soon. Well, within the next week because I’m busy. So if I do the calculations right…you may be getting mail in 2 to 3 weeks!! J Remember if you want to send me some love I put my address through mid August up on the first post.
Homework time until I pass out (in like 2 1/2 hours). Chao!


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3 Responses to June 22, 2011

  1. Joie Thieman says:

    It was nice to talk to you online for a little bit tonight. Glad things are going well. I am laughing about the fact that you literally got roped into dancing and then they talked about you on the radio. Go gringo go! The musical position sounds super awesome too! Love you! 😀

  2. Andi Laabs says:

    Zack! Thanks for keeping us updated. Your blogs are always entertaining and it is super interesting to hear about your adventures. The dancing white gringo thing doesn’t surprise me in the least 🙂 I echo Joie’s thoughts – the muscial position would be so perfect for you, hope you get it! My mom says hi and she misses you, Phil and I came up to their place for the 4th… Nothing crazy like the last couple times but still fun. Lots of golfing and fishing, doesn’t get much better than that. Except that I’m extremely sunburnt 😦 anyway, my mom just made a comment, “I miss Zack, it doesn’t seem like the 4th without him,” so I thought I’d pass it along. Miss you too! Continue to keep us in the loop! 🙂

  3. I hope you are loving Peru as much as we did when we visited there last fall

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