June 18, 2011

9:13 p.m. June 18

Hello all!
Today was pretty laid back, as it is Saturday. Last night I missed out on a quinciñera because of being extremely tired from the week and also having a raging headache. Most host family all went and they were there until 4 a.m. Oh, a quinciñera a party for a girl when she turns 15. It’s a pretty huge deal along all Spanish-speaking countries.
I do feel much better today. I went to a fútbol game with my host uncle and bought a watch. It’s a pretty cool looking watch. It cost me 20 soles. This would equate to around 7 or 8 bucks or something around there. The soccer game was fun. As the game got more intense there was more screaming and intensity among the crowd and the players. It reminded me of the intensity of a hockey game, so that was pretty cool. We took three modes of transportation to get there. Combi (little mini bus), taxi, and moto-taxi (A motorcycle with a cart built in). Between the three it was 2.50 soles per person. This would equal somewhere around a dollar US. Transportation is super cheap and most people don’t have their own cars. They take taxis, mini-buses, etc. The meals are in an opposite trend here as opposed to the U.S. That is, breakfast is very important, Lunch is equally or more important and dinner is small or nonexistent to many Peruvians. Luckily if I can’t finish my heaping portions they go to the two family dogs so there is no waste. The only cold drink you can find around here is beer. Otherwise, everything including juice and milk, is served warm. Well I really don’t have much else to say at the moment so I’m gonna hit the hay. Night!

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1 Response to June 18, 2011

  1. April says:

    How exciting!!! They have combis in Mexico too. Glad you are having a great time and feeling better 🙂

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